Our Promise
Sustainable fine jewelry, redefined.
At Lovelri, we redefined the process of purchasing luxury jewelry.
Transparent pricing means that you are clear on the value of what you’re paying for. We give the power back to YOU to determine what you would like to pay while we remove the traditional 2x-3x markups.
Craftsmanship and quality is at the heart of our brand. Although we offer transparent pricing, we will never cut corners.
All our rings are 100% Made in Canada and stones (Lab Diamonds and Moissanites) are sourced from North America.
Although Lovelri prices are better than most jewellers in Toronto, we never sacrifice on quality and our expert jewellers have 40+ years of craftsmanship experience.
Lovelri's lab diamonds have the same crystal lattice carbon structure as mined diamonds - as such, optically it is almost impossible for even an expert jeweler to tell. When you choose Lovelri, you get the highest quality of diamonds at a fraction of the cost of a mined diamond.
If you choose Moissanites, at Lovelri, we use the top-of-the-line moissanites made by Charles and Colvard, NEO Moissanites, etc.